Apologies for the long delay in updates! Especially to those who were not able to reset their password. I broke the email system - a while ago :( when updating security and didn't completely test the whole site - and I didn't receive your emails as it was down also. I was then off playing other thingsā€¦ The emails are going through again, and I am receiving your messages.

I am back now, and will be working on Italy: Tough Gut and Case Blue which I have just ordered, and the latest (and last to be published!) v2 FAQ from 28 Feb 2024. Note: the v2 pages (and your saved lists) will remain indefinitely even after the v3 builder pages are completed. Looking forward to v3!


New feature! Output as cards. In View page, select "Print Cards" from the Output drop-down, then select either "PDF" or "Email". Also added options to page break before Specials and Pick List.

NEW Bolt Action Errata, FAQ, and New Unit PDF (28 February 2024)

Bolt Action 2nd Edition index by The Demo Gamers
New!! The Where is it? page is now available to find books/selectors for a given unit as well as items.
Where is it? page by item (Infantry with Rifle/15 CWT Truck.
Where is it? page by unit (Gurkha Paratroops/Mongolian Cavalry Troop).

28 Jun 24 - Working on the site again!

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