Armies of Germany1940 - The Battle of FrancePanzer III Ausf E or F
Armies of Germany1941 - Operation BarbarossaPanzer III Ausf E or F
Armies of Germany1941-42 - Rommel TriumphantPanzer III Ausf E or F
Armies of Germany1942 - Operation BluePanzer III Ausf E or F
Armies of Germany1942 - Stalingrad, Death on the VolgaPanzer III Ausf E or F
Armies of Germany1942-43 - Rommel's DefeatPanzer III Ausf E or F
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonPanzer III Ausf E or F
Battle of France1940 Panzer DivisionPanzer III Ausf E or F
Duel in the SunHermann Göring Division (Tunisia)Panzer III Ausf E or F
GigantDeutsche England Korps Kampfgruppe ArmouredPlatoonPanzer III Ausf E or F
Road to BerlinExtended Last LevyPanzer III Ausf E or F (replacement)
Sea LionBeach Landing Reinforced PlatoonPanzer III Ausf E or F
Stalingrad22nd Panzer Division Armoured PlatoonPanzer III Ausf E or F
Stalingrad57th Panzer Corps Armoured PlatoonPanzer III Ausf E or F
StalingradGates of StalingradPanzer III Ausf E or F
StalingradInto HellPanzer III Ausf E or F
StalingradOperation ThunderclapPanzer III Ausf E or F
StalingradRattenkriegPanzer III Ausf E or F
StalingradStalingrad Armoured KampfgruppePanzer III Ausf E or F
Tank WarsGerman Tank PlatoonPanzer III Ausf E or F
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - German - Armoured PlatoonPanzer III Ausf E or F