Armies of Germany1942-43 - Rommel's DefeatSdKfz 250/11 half-track
Armies of Germany1943 - Operation CitadelSdKfz 250/11 half-track
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Defense of ItalySdKfz 250/11 half-track
Armies of Germany1944 - Defense of the EastSdKfz 250/11 half-track
Armies of Germany1944 - NormandySdKfz 250/11 half-track
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Operation Watch on the RhineSdKfz 250/11 half-track
Armies of Germany1945 - Last LevySdKfz 250/11 half-track
Armies of Germany1945 - Operation Spring AwakeningSdKfz 250/11 half-track
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonSdKfz 250/11 half-track
Battle of the BulgeLate-War Fallschirmjäger (Panzer support)SdKfz 250/11 half-track
D-Day: US Sector116th Panzer Division Panzer GrenadierSdKfz 250/11 half-track
Duel in the SunHermann Göring Division (Tunisia)SdKfz 250/11 half-track
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe Ulich (29th Panzer)SdKfz 250/11 half-track
Road to BerlinExtended Last LevySdKfz 250/11 half-track
Road to BerlinForlorn HopeSdKfz 250/11 half-track
Road to BerlinWarsaw UprisingSdKfz 250/11 half-track
Tank WarsGerman Tank PlatoonSdKfz 250/11 half-track
Version 3 Rulebook*v3 rulebook - German - Armoured PlatoonRecce Halftracks
Western Desert1942 DAK Anti-tank Gun PlatoonSdKfz 250/11 half-track
Western Desert1942 DAK Light Africa DivisionSdKfz 250/11 half-track