Armies of France and the Allies1939-41 ResistanceInexperienced Partisan Squad
Armies of France and the Allies1939-41 ResistancePartisan Squad (Early War)
Armies of France and the Allies1942-45 LiberationInexperienced Partisan Squad
Armies of France and the AlliesPartisan Reinforced PlatoonInexperienced Partisan Squad
Armies of France and the AlliesPartisan Reinforced PlatoonPartisan Squad (Early War)
Armies of Germany (v3)** v3 Armies of Germany - Rifle Platoon ** (All)Brandenburger Special Forces Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)** v3 Armies of Germany - Rifle Platoon ** (All)Fallschirmjäger Squad (Early War)
Armies of Germany (v3)** v3 Armies of Germany - Rifle Platoon ** (All)Feldgendarmerie Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)** v3 Armies of Germany - Rifle Platoon ** (All)Feldjägerkorps Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)** v3 Armies of Germany - Rifle Platoon ** (EW)Fallschirmjäger Squad (Early War)
Armies of Germany (v3)** v3 Armies of Germany - Rifle Platoon ** (EW)Feldgendarmerie Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)** v3 Armies of Germany - Rifle Platoon ** (LW)Brandenburger Special Forces Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)** v3 Armies of Germany - Rifle Platoon ** (LW)Feldgendarmerie Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)** v3 Armies of Germany - Rifle Platoon ** (LW)Feldjägerkorps Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)** v3 Armies of Germany - Rifle Platoon ** (MW)Brandenburger Special Forces Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)** v3 Armies of Germany - Rifle Platoon ** (MW)Fallschirmjäger Squad (Early War)
Armies of Germany (v3)** v3 Armies of Germany - Rifle Platoon ** (MW)Feldgendarmerie Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)*v3 Armies of Germany - Recce Infantry Platoon(AllBrandenburger Special Forces Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)*v3 Armies of Germany - Recce Infantry Platoon(AllFallschirmjäger Squad (Early War)
Armies of Germany (v3)*v3 Armies of Germany - Recce Infantry Platoon(AllFeldgendarmerie Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)*v3 Armies of Germany - Recce Infantry Platoon(AllFeldjägerkorps Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)*v3 Armies of Germany - Recce Infantry Platoon(EW)Fallschirmjäger Squad (Early War)
Armies of Germany (v3)*v3 Armies of Germany - Recce Infantry Platoon(EW)Feldgendarmerie Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)*v3 Armies of Germany - Recce Infantry Platoon(LW)Brandenburger Special Forces Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)*v3 Armies of Germany - Recce Infantry Platoon(LW)Feldgendarmerie Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)*v3 Armies of Germany - Recce Infantry Platoon(LW)Feldjägerkorps Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)*v3 Armies of Germany - Recce Infantry Platoon(MW)Brandenburger Special Forces Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)*v3 Armies of Germany - Recce Infantry Platoon(MW)Fallschirmjäger Squad (Early War)
Armies of Germany (v3)*v3 Armies of Germany - Recce Infantry Platoon(MW)Feldgendarmerie Squad
Bulgaria Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Bulgaria - Engineer PlatoonInfantry Section (Engineers)
Bulgaria Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Bulgaria - Rifle PlatoonInfantry Section
Bulgaria Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Bulgaria -Recce Infantry PlatoonInfantry Section
D-Day: US SectorMaquis Reinforced PlatoonMaquis Squad
D-Day: US SectorParis UprisingInexperienced Partisan Squad
D-Day: US SectorParis UprisingMolotov Anti-tank Squad
D-Day: US SectorParis UprisingParis Police Prefecture Squad
D-Day: US SectorSAS Northwest EuropeMaquis Squad
French Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - France - Engineer PlatoonInfantry Section (Engineers)
French Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - France - Recce Infantry PlatoonInfantry Section
French Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - France - Rifle PlatoonInfantry Section
Hungary Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Hungary - Engineer PlatoonInfantry Section (Engineers)
Hungary Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Hungary - Recce Infantry PlatoonInfantry Section
Hungary Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Hungary - Rifle PlatoonInfantry Section
Italy Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Italy - Recce Infantry PlatoonParacadutisti (Paratrooper) Infantry Section
Italy Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Italy - Recce Infantry PlatoonSan Marco Marines Infantry Section
Italy Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Italy - Rifle PlatoonParacadutisti (Paratrooper) Infantry Section
Italy Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Italy - Rifle PlatoonSan Marco Marines Infantry Section