Armies of France and the AlliesBelgian Reinforced PlatoonFRC 47mm Anti-tank Gun
Armies of France and the AlliesBelgian Reinforced PlatoonFree FRC 47mm Anti-tank Gun
Armies of France and the AlliesThe Battle of BelgiumFRC 47mm Anti-tank Gun
Armies of France and the AlliesThe Battle of BelgiumFree FRC 47mm Anti-tank Gun
Finland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Finland - Artillery PlatoonAnti-tank Guns
French Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - France - Artillery PlatoonAnti-tank Guns
Hungary Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Hungary - Artillery PlatoonAnti-tank Guns
Tank WarsBelgian Tank PlatoonFRC 47mm Anti-tank Gun
Tank WarsBelgian Tank PlatoonFree FRC 47mm Anti-tank Gun
Version 3 Rulebook*v3 rulebook - German - Artillery PlatoonAnti-Tank Guns
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - British - Artillery PlatoonAnti-Tank Gun
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Japanese - Artillery PlatoonAnti-Tank Gun
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Soviet - Artillery PlatoonAnti-tank Gun