Armies of Germany (v3)** v3 Armies of Germany - Rifle Platoon ** (All)Spähtruppen Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)** v3 Armies of Germany - Rifle Platoon ** (EW)Spähtruppen Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)** v3 Armies of Germany - Rifle Platoon ** (LW)Spähtruppen Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)** v3 Armies of Germany - Rifle Platoon ** (MW)Spähtruppen Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)*v3 Armies of Germany - Recce Infantry Platoon(AllSpähtruppen Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)*v3 Armies of Germany - Recce Infantry Platoon(EW)Spähtruppen Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)*v3 Armies of Germany - Recce Infantry Platoon(LW)Spähtruppen Squad
Armies of Germany (v3)*v3 Armies of Germany - Recce Infantry Platoon(MW)Spähtruppen Squad
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Soviet - Recce Infantry PlatoonScout Squad
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Soviet - Rifle PlatoonScout Squad