Armies of the United States1942 - Operation TorchUS LMG Section
Armies of the United States1943 - El Guettar- First US VictoryUS LMG Section
Armies of the United States1943 - Kasserine PassUS LMG Section
Armies of the United States1943 - Operation AvalancheUS LMG Section
Armies of the United States1943 - Operation HuskyUS LMG Section
Armies of the United States1943 - Rommel's DefeatUS LMG Section
Armies of the United States1944 - Anzio, The Road To RomeFSSF Section (Anzio)
Armies of the United States1944 - Anzio, The Road To RomeUS LMG Section
Armies of the United States1944 - Battle of the BulgeUS LMG Section
Armies of the United States1944 - Cassino1st Motorised Division Infantry Squad (Italy 1944)
Armies of the United States1944 - CassinoFrench Foreign Legion Squad
Armies of the United States1944 - CassinoGoum Irregulars
Armies of the United States1944 - CassinoNorth-West African Tirailleurs Squad
Armies of the United States1944 - CassinoSpahi Squad
Armies of the United States1944 - CassinoUS LMG Section
Armies of the United States1944 - NormandyUS LMG Section
Armies of the United States1944 - Operation CobraUS LMG Section
Armies of the United States1945 - Operation GrenadeUS LMG Section
Armies of the United States1945 - RhinelandUS LMG Section
Armies of the United StatesU.S. Reinforced Platoon1st Motorised Division Infantry Squad (Italy 1944)
Armies of the United StatesU.S. Reinforced PlatoonArmoured LMG Squad
Armies of the United StatesU.S. Reinforced PlatoonArmoured Rifle Squad
Armies of the United StatesU.S. Reinforced PlatoonFrench Foreign Legion Squad
Armies of the United StatesU.S. Reinforced PlatoonFSSF Section
Armies of the United StatesU.S. Reinforced PlatoonFSSF Section (Anzio)
Armies of the United StatesU.S. Reinforced PlatoonGoum Irregulars
Armies of the United StatesU.S. Reinforced PlatoonNorth-West African Tirailleurs Squad
Armies of the United StatesU.S. Reinforced PlatoonParachute Rifle Squad (MTO)
Armies of the United StatesU.S. Reinforced PlatoonParachute/Glider Engineer Squad (MTO)
Armies of the United StatesU.S. Reinforced PlatoonRanger Force Squad
Armies of the United StatesU.S. Reinforced PlatoonSpahi Squad
Armies of the United StatesU.S. Reinforced PlatoonUS LMG Section
Italy: Soft Underbelly1st Infantry Division (Sicily)Armoured LMG Squad
Italy: Soft Underbelly1st Infantry Division (Sicily)Armoured Rifle Squad
Italy: Soft Underbelly1st Infantry Division (Sicily)Parachute Rifle Squad (MTO)
Italy: Soft Underbelly1st Infantry Division (Sicily)Ranger Force Squad
Italy: Soft Underbelly2nd ArmouredArmoured LMG Squad
Italy: Soft Underbelly2nd ArmouredArmoured Rifle Squad
Italy: Soft Underbelly2nd ArmouredParachute Rifle Squad (MTO)
Italy: Soft Underbelly2nd ArmouredRanger Force Squad
Italy: Soft Underbelly82nd Airborne Division (Sicily)Parachute Rifle Squad (MTO)
Italy: Soft Underbelly82nd Airborne Division (Sicily)Parachute/Glider Engineer Squad (MTO)
Italy: Soft Underbelly82nd Airborne Division (Sicily)Ranger Force Squad
Italy: Soft UnderbellyArmoured Infantry Platoon (Sicily and Italy)Armoured LMG Squad
Italy: Soft UnderbellyArmoured Infantry Platoon (Sicily and Italy)Armoured Rifle Squad
Italy: Soft UnderbellyArmoured Infantry Platoon (Sicily and Italy)Parachute Rifle Squad (MTO)
Italy: Soft UnderbellyArmoured Infantry Platoon (Sicily and Italy)Ranger Force Squad
Italy: Soft UnderbellyFSSF (Monte la Difensa)FSSF Section
Italy: Soft UnderbellyVI CorpsArmoured LMG Squad
Italy: Soft UnderbellyVI CorpsArmoured Rifle Squad
Italy: Soft UnderbellyVI CorpsParachute Rifle Squad (MTO)
Italy: Soft UnderbellyVI CorpsRanger Force Squad
Italy: Soft UnderbellyX Force, Darby's Rangers (Sicily)Armoured LMG Squad
Italy: Soft UnderbellyX Force, Darby's Rangers (Sicily)Armoured Rifle Squad
Italy: Soft UnderbellyX Force, Darby's Rangers (Sicily)Parachute Rifle Squad (MTO)
Italy: Soft UnderbellyX Force, Darby's Rangers (Sicily)Ranger Force Squad
Italy: Tough GutCassino Tank/Tank Destroyer Tank PlatoonArmoured LMG Squad
Italy: Tough GutCassino Tank/Tank Destroyer Tank PlatoonArmoured Rifle Squad
Italy: Tough GutCassino Tank/Tank Destroyer Tank PlatoonFSSF Section (Anzio)
Italy: Tough GutCassino Tank/Tank Destroyer Tank PlatoonUS LMG Section
Italy: Tough GutFSSF (Anizo Stalemate and Breakout)Armoured Rifle Squad
Italy: Tough GutFSSF (Anizo Stalemate and Breakout)FSSF Section (Anzio)
Italy: Tough GutFSSF (Anizo Stalemate and Breakout)US LMG Section
Italy: Tough GutII Corps (From Gustav Line to Rome)FSSF Section (Anzio)
Italy: Tough GutII Corps (From Gustav Line to Rome)US LMG Section
Italy: Tough GutTask Force HarmonArmoured LMG Squad
Italy: Tough GutTask Force HarmonArmoured Rifle Squad
Italy: Tough GutTask Force HarmonUS LMG Section
Italy: Tough GutUS II Corps (Cassino Jan-Feb 1944)Armoured LMG Squad
Italy: Tough GutUS II Corps (Cassino Jan-Feb 1944)Armoured Rifle Squad
Italy: Tough GutUS II Corps (Cassino Jan-Feb 1944)FSSF Section (Anzio)
Italy: Tough GutUS II Corps (Cassino Jan-Feb 1944)US LMG Section
Italy: Tough GutVI Corps (Anzio Breakout)Armoured LMG Squad
Italy: Tough GutVI Corps (Anzio Breakout)Armoured Rifle Squad
Italy: Tough GutVI Corps (Anzio Breakout)FSSF Section (Anzio)
Italy: Tough GutVI Corps (Anzio Breakout)US LMG Section
Italy: Tough GutVI Corps (Anzio, Jan-Feb 1944)Armoured LMG Squad
Italy: Tough GutVI Corps (Anzio, Jan-Feb 1944)Armoured Rifle Squad
Italy: Tough GutVI Corps (Anzio, Jan-Feb 1944)FSSF Section (Anzio)
Italy: Tough GutVI Corps (Anzio, Jan-Feb 1944)Parachute Rifle Squad (MTO)
Italy: Tough GutVI Corps (Anzio, Jan-Feb 1944)Parachute/Glider Engineer Squad (MTO)
Italy: Tough GutVI Corps (Anzio, Jan-Feb 1944)Ranger Force Squad
Italy: Tough GutVI Corps (Anzio, Jan-Feb 1944)US LMG Section
Tank WarsU.S. Tank PlatoonArmoured LMG Squad
Tank WarsU.S. Tank PlatoonArmoured Rifle Squad
Tank WarsU.S. Tank PlatoonFSSF Section (Anzio)
Tank WarsU.S. Tank PlatoonUS LMG Section
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Engineer PlatoonParachute/Glider Engineer Squad (MTO)
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Recce Infantry Platoon1st Motorised Division Infantry Squad (Italy 1944)
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Recce Infantry PlatoonArmoured LMG Squad
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Recce Infantry PlatoonArmoured Rifle Squad
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Recce Infantry PlatoonFrench Foreign Legion Squad
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Recce Infantry PlatoonFSSF Section
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Recce Infantry PlatoonFSSF Section (Anzio)
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Recce Infantry PlatoonGoum Irregulars
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Recce Infantry PlatoonNorth-West African Tirailleurs Squad
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Recce Infantry PlatoonParachute Rifle Squad (MTO)
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Recce Infantry PlatoonRanger Force Squad
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Recce Infantry PlatoonSpahi Squad
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Recce Infantry PlatoonUS LMG Section
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Rifle Platoon1st Motorised Division Infantry Squad (Italy 1944)
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonArmoured LMG Squad
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonArmoured Rifle Squad
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonFrench Foreign Legion Squad
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonFSSF Section
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonFSSF Section (Anzio)
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonGoum Irregulars
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonNorth-West African Tirailleurs Squad
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonParachute Rifle Squad (MTO)
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonRanger Force Squad
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonSpahi Squad
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonUS LMG Section