Armies of France and the AlliesBelgian Reinforced PlatoonFortifications
Armies of France and the AlliesFrench Reinforced PlatoonFortifications
Armies of France and the AlliesGreek Reinforced PlatoonFortifications
Armies of France and the AlliesNetherlands Reinforced PlatoonFortifications
Armies of France and the AlliesNorway Reinforced PlatoonFortifications
Armies of France and the AlliesPoland Reinforced PlatoonFortifications
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonFortifications
Armies of Great BritainBritish Reinforced PlatoonFortifications
Armies of Imperial JapanJapanese Reinforced PlatoonFortifications
Armies of Italy and the AxisBulgarian Reinforced PlatoonFortifications
Armies of Italy and the AxisFinland Reinforced PlatoonFortifications
Armies of Italy and the AxisHungarian Reinforced PlatoonFortifications
Armies of Italy and the AxisItalian Reinforced PlatoonFortifications
Armies of Italy and the AxisRomanian Reinforced PlatoonFortifications
Armies of the Soviet UnionSoviet Reinforced PlatoonFortifications
Armies of the United StatesU.S. Reinforced PlatoonFortifications
D-Day: OverlordMerville DefenceFortifications
D-Day: OverlordOmaha Beach Resistance NestFortifications
D-Day: OverlordStatic Division's Resistance NestFortifications
Mariana & Palau IslandsImperial Japanese Army and Navy, Guam 1944Fortifications
Mariana & Palau IslandsImperial Japanese Army and Navy, Saipan 1944Fortifications
Mariana & Palau IslandsUS Army, Guam 1944Fortifications
Mariana & Palau IslandsUS Army, Palau 1944Fortifications
Mariana & Palau IslandsUS Army, Saipan 1944Fortifications
Mariana & Palau IslandsUS Marines, Guam 1944Fortifications
Mariana & Palau IslandsUS Marines, Palau 1944Fortifications
Mariana & Palau IslandsUS Marines, Saipan 1944Fortifications
Stalingrad1st Romanian Armoured DivisionFortifications
StalingradRomanian Cavalry TroopFortifications
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - British - Rifle PlatoonFortifications