Armies of Germany1941 - Operation BarbarossaFlammpanzer B2(F)
Armies of Germany1942 - Operation BlueFlammpanzer B2(F)
Armies of Germany1942 - Stalingrad, Death on the VolgaFlammpanzer B2(F)
Armies of Germany1943 - Operation CitadelFlammpanzer B2(F)
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Anti-partisan Security PatrolFlammpanzer B2(F)
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Defense of ItalyFlammpanzer B2(F)
Armies of Germany1944 - Atlantic Wall Resistance NestFlammpanzer B2(F)
Armies of Germany1944 - Defense of the EastFlammpanzer B2(F)
Armies of Germany1944 - NormandyFlammpanzer B2(F)
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Holding the West WallFlammpanzer B2(F)
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Operation Watch on the RhineFlammpanzer B2(F)
Armies of Germany1945 - Last LevyFlammpanzer B2(F)
Armies of Germany1945 - Operation Spring AwakeningFlammpanzer B2(F)
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonFlammpanzer B2(F)
D-Day: US SectorParis UprisingFlammpanzer B2(F)
GigantDeutsche England Korps Kampfgruppe ArmouredPlatoonFlammpanzer B2(F)
Market GardenPanzer Kompanie 224 Armoured PlatoonFlammpanzer B2(F)
Road to BerlinExtended Last LevyFlammpanzer B2(F)
Road to BerlinForlorn HopeFlammpanzer B2(F)
Stalingrad22nd Panzer Division Armoured PlatoonFlammpanzer B2(F)
Stalingrad57th Panzer Corps Armoured PlatoonFlammpanzer B2(F)
StalingradGates of StalingradFlammpanzer B2(F)
StalingradInto HellFlammpanzer B2(F)
StalingradOperation ThunderclapFlammpanzer B2(F)
StalingradRattenkriegFlammpanzer B2(F)
StalingradStalingrad Armoured KampfgruppeFlammpanzer B2(F)
Tank WarsGerman Tank PlatoonFlammpanzer B2(F)
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - German - Armoured PlatoonFlammpanzer B2(F)