Armies of Great Britain1940-44 - RaidersPathfinders Squad
Armies of Great Britain1942-43 - TunisiaPathfinders Squad
Armies of Great Britain1944 - Market GardenPathfinders Squad
Armies of Great Britain1944 - NormandyPathfinders Squad
Armies of Great Britain1945 - Into The ReichPathfinders Squad
Armies of Great BritainBritish Reinforced PlatoonPathfinders Squad
Armies of Great BritainNormandy Royal Marine Commando TroopPathfinders Squad
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsCanadian Airborne 1944-45Pathfinders Squad
D-Day: OverlordBritish 6th AirbornePathfinders Squad
D-Day: OverlordMerville Assault (Historical)Pathfinders Squad
D-Day: OverlordMerville Assault (Planned)Pathfinders Squad
Tank WarsBritish Tank PlatoonPathfinders Squad
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - British - Recce Infantry PlatoonPathfinders Squad
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - British - Rifle PlatoonPathfinders Squad