Armies of Germany1939 - The September CampaignField Ambulance
Armies of Germany1940 - The Battle of FranceField Ambulance
Armies of Germany1941 - Operation BarbarossaField Ambulance
Armies of Germany1941 - Operation MercuryField Ambulance
Armies of Germany1941-42 - Rommel TriumphantField Ambulance
Armies of Germany1942 - Operation BlueField Ambulance
Armies of Germany1942 - Stalingrad, Death on the VolgaField Ambulance
Armies of Germany1942-43 - Rommel's DefeatField Ambulance
Armies of Germany1943 - Operation CitadelField Ambulance
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Anti-partisan Security PatrolField Ambulance
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Defense of ItalyField Ambulance
Armies of Germany1944 - Atlantic Wall Resistance NestField Ambulance
Armies of Germany1944 - Defense of the EastField Ambulance
Armies of Germany1944 - NormandyField Ambulance
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Holding the West WallField Ambulance
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Operation Watch on the RhineField Ambulance
Armies of Germany1945 - Last LevyField Ambulance
Armies of Germany1945 - Operation Spring AwakeningField Ambulance
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonField Ambulance
Armies of GermanyPanzerbrigade 150Field Ambulance
Duel in the SunHermann Göring Division (Tunisia)Field Ambulance
Road to Berlin5th Panzer DivisionField Ambulance
Road to BerlinExtended Last LevyField Ambulance
Road to BerlinForlorn HopeField Ambulance
Road to BerlinHeavy Tank AbteilungField Ambulance
Tank WarsGerman Tank PlatoonField Ambulance
Version 3 Rulebook*v3 rulebook - German - Rifle PlatoonField Ambulance
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - British - Rifle PlatoonField Ambulance
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Japanese - Rifle PlatoonField Ambulance
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Soviet - Rifle PlatoonField Ambulance
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonField Ambulance
Western Desert1941 DAK Anti-tank Gun PlatoonField Ambulance
Western Desert1941 DAK Armoured ReconnaissanceField Ambulance
Western Desert1941 DAK Light DivisionField Ambulance
Western Desert1941 DAK Panzer Division Armoured PlatoonField Ambulance
Western Desert1942 DAK Anti-tank Gun PlatoonField Ambulance
Western Desert1942 DAK Light Africa DivisionField Ambulance
Western Desert1942 DAK Panzer Division (Heavy)Field Ambulance
Western Desert1942 DAK Panzer Division (Medium)Field Ambulance