Armies of the United States1942-43 - GuadalcanalPathfinders Squad
Armies of the United States1944 - Anzio, The Road To RomePathfinders Squad
Armies of the United States1944 - BastognePathfinders Squad
Armies of the United States1944 - Battle of the BulgePathfinders Squad
Armies of the United States1944 - NormandyPathfinders Squad
Armies of the United States1944 - Operation Market GardenPathfinders Squad
Armies of the United StatesU.S. Reinforced PlatoonPathfinders Squad
D-Day: OverlordUS Airborne (D-Day)Pathfinders Squad
D-Day: OverlordUS D-Day (Afternoon)Pathfinders Squad
D-Day: US SectorUS Airborne Reinforced Platoon (Normandy)Pathfinders Squad
Tank WarsU.S. Tank PlatoonPathfinders Squad
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Recce Infantry PlatoonPathfinders Squad
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonPathfinders Squad