Armies of the United States1942-43 - GuadalcanalSniper team
Armies of the United States1943 - Operation AvalancheSniper team
Armies of the United States1944 - Anzio, The Road To RomeSniper team
Armies of the United States1944 - BastogneSniper team
Armies of the United States1944 - Battle of the BulgeSniper team
Armies of the United States1944 - CassinoSniper team
Armies of the United States1944 - NormandySniper team
Armies of the United States1944 - Operation CobraSniper team
Armies of the United States1944 - Operation Market GardenSniper team
Armies of the United States1944-45 - Iwo JimaSniper team
Armies of the United States1945 - Operation GrenadeSniper team
Armies of the United States1945 - RhinelandSniper team
Armies of the United StatesBattling Bastards of BataanSniper team
Armies of the United StatesU.S. Reinforced PlatoonSniper team
D-Day: OverlordUS Airborne (D-Day)Sniper team
D-Day: OverlordUS Beach LandingSniper team
D-Day: OverlordUS D-Day (Afternoon)Sniper team
D-Day: US SectorBloody GulchSniper team
D-Day: US SectorDarby's RangersSniper team
D-Day: US SectorLate-War Ranger CompanySniper team
D-Day: US SectorLate-War Rangers Mortar CompanySniper team
D-Day: US SectorLate-war US Airborne Glider WeaponsSniper team
D-Day: US SectorLate-war US Armoured Rifle CompanySniper team
D-Day: US SectorUS Airborne Reinforced Platoon (Normandy)Sniper team
Italy: Soft Underbelly1st Infantry Division (Sicily)Sniper team
Italy: Soft Underbelly2nd ArmouredSniper team
Italy: Soft Underbelly82nd Airborne Division (Sicily)Sniper team
Italy: Soft UnderbellyArmoured Infantry Platoon (Sicily and Italy)Sniper team
Italy: Soft UnderbellyFSSF (Monte la Difensa)Sniper team
Italy: Soft UnderbellyVI CorpsSniper team
Italy: Soft UnderbellyX Force, Darby's Rangers (Sicily)Sniper team
Italy: Tough GutCassino Tank/Tank Destroyer Tank PlatoonSniper team
Italy: Tough GutFSSF (Anizo Stalemate and Breakout)Sniper team
Italy: Tough GutII Corps (From Gustav Line to Rome)Sniper team
Italy: Tough GutTask Force HarmonSniper team
Italy: Tough GutUS II Corps (Cassino Jan-Feb 1944)Sniper team
Italy: Tough GutVI Corps (Anzio Breakout)Sniper team
Italy: Tough GutVI Corps (Anzio, Jan-Feb 1944)Sniper team
Mariana & Palau IslandsUS Army, Guam 1944Sniper team
Mariana & Palau IslandsUS Army, Palau 1944Sniper team
Mariana & Palau IslandsUS Army, Saipan 1944Sniper team
Mariana & Palau IslandsUS Marines, Guam 1944Sniper team
Mariana & Palau IslandsUS Marines, Palau 1944Sniper team
Mariana & Palau IslandsUS Marines, Saipan 1944Sniper team
New GuineaGhost Mountain BoysSniper team
New GuineaUS Army Late War, New GuineaSniper team
Tank WarsU.S. Tank PlatoonSniper team
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonSniper team