Armies of Germany1944-45 - Holding the West WallHetzer
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Operation Watch on the RhineHetzer
Armies of Germany1945 - Last LevyHetzer
Armies of Germany1945 - Operation Spring AwakeningHetzer
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonHetzer
Battle of the BulgeLate-War Fallschirmjäger (Panzer support)Hetzer
DefianceGermany (Revised)Hetzer
DefianceGermany AirborneHetzer
DefianceGermany Heavy InfantryHetzer
DefianceGermany SS ShocktrooperHetzer
Fortress Budapest1944-45 Panzergrenadier Reinforced PlatoonHetzer
Fortress BudapestBudapest Pocket Defenders (German & Hungarian)Hetzer
Fortress BudapestPanzer Reconnaissance Reinforced PlatoonHetzer
ResurgenceGerman Tank PlatoonHetzer
Road to BerlinExtended Last LevyHetzer
Road to BerlinROA Reinforced PlatoonHetzer
Road to BerlinWarsaw UprisingHetzer
Tank WarsGerman Tank PlatoonHetzer
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - German - Armoured PlatoonHetzer