Armies of Great Britain1940 - Dad's ArmyHome Guard Section
Armies of Great BritainBritish Reinforced PlatoonHome Guard Section
GigantUniversity College Nottingham Officers' TrainingCadet Section
Sea LionCoastal Defence Reinforced Platoon (Home Guard)Old Soldiers Volunteer Section
Sea LionCoastal Defence Reinforced Platoon (Home Guard)Volunteer Section
Sea LionHome Guard Reinforced PlatoonOld Soldiers Volunteer Section
Sea LionHome Guard Reinforced PlatoonVolunteer Section
Tank WarsBritish Tank PlatoonHome Guard Section
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - British - Recce Infantry PlatoonHome Guard Section
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - British - Rifle PlatoonHome Guard Section