Armies of Great Britain1942 - Operation LightfootDaimler Armoured Car
Armies of Great Britain1942-43 - TunisiaDaimler Armoured Car
Armies of Great Britain1942-45 - BurmaDaimler Armoured Car
Armies of Great Britain1944 - Monte CassinoDaimler Armoured Car
Armies of Great Britain1944 - NormandyDaimler Armoured Car
Armies of Great Britain1945 - Into The ReichDaimler Armoured Car
Armies of Great BritainBritish Reinforced PlatoonDaimler Armoured Car
Armies of Great BritainNormandy Royal Marine Commando TroopDaimler Armoured Car
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsCanadian Armoured Division 1943-44Daimler Armoured Car
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsCanadian Armoured Division 1945Daimler Armoured Car
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsCanadian Infantry Division 1943-44Daimler Armoured Car
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsCanadian Infantry Division 1945Daimler Armoured Car
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLateWar Allied Armoured Division NW Europe PlatoonDaimler Armoured Car
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLW Commando Troop (Burma) (Army Commando)Daimler Armoured Car
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLW Commando Troop (Burma) (Royal Marines)Daimler Armoured Car
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLW Commando Troop (NW Europe) (Army Commando)Daimler Armoured Car
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLW Commando Troop (NW Europe) (Royal Marines)Daimler Armoured Car
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsMW Commando Troop, North Africa/MediterraneanDaimler Armoured Car
D-Day: OverlordBritish/Canadian D-Day (Off the Beaches)Daimler Armoured Car
Italy: Soft UnderbellyA ForceDaimler Armoured Car
Italy: Soft UnderbellyCanadian First DivisionDaimler Armoured Car
Italy: Soft UnderbellyEight Army (Sicily)Daimler Armoured Car
Italy: Soft UnderbellyEighth Army (Italy, 1943)Daimler Armoured Car
Italy: Soft UnderbellyTermoli Assault ForceDaimler Armoured Car
Italy: Soft UnderbellyX CorpsDaimler Armoured Car
Italy: Tough GutOperation HonkerDaimler Armoured Car
Italy: Tough GutX Corps Reinforced Platoon(January-February 1944)Daimler Armoured Car
Tank WarsBritish Tank PlatoonDaimler Armoured Car
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - British - Armoured PlatoonDaimler Armoured Car
Western Desert1940-42 Commonwealth Infantry BrigadeDaimler Armoured Car
Western Desert1942 British Armoured BrigadeDaimler Armoured Car