Armies of Great Britain1940-41 - Operation Compass2-PDR Portee
Armies of Great Britain1942 - Operation Lightfoot2-PDR Portee
Armies of Great Britain1942-43 - Tunisia2-PDR Portee
Armies of Great BritainBritish Reinforced Platoon2-PDR Portee
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsMW Commando Troop, North Africa/Mediterranean2-PDR Portee
Tank WarsBritish Tank Platoon2-PDR Portee
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - British - Armoured Platoon2-PDR Portee
Western Desert1940-41 British Armoured Brigade2-PDR Portee
Western Desert1940-42 Commonwealth Infantry Brigade2-PDR Portee
Western DesertKampfgruppe Hecker2pdr Portee