Armies of Great Britain1940 - Dad's ArmyForward Observer (Air) 
Armies of Great Britain1940 - Fall of FranceForward Observer (Air) 
Armies of Great Britain1940-41 - East AfricaForward Observer (Air)
Armies of Great Britain1940-41 - Operation CompassForward Observer (Air)
Armies of Great Britain1940-43 - Behind Enemy LinesForward Observer (Air)
Armies of Great Britain1942 - Fall of SingaporeForward Observer (Air) 
Armies of Great Britain1942 - Operation LightfootForward Observer (Air)
Armies of Great Britain1942 Australian Reinforced PlatoonForward Observer (Air)
Armies of Great Britain1942-43 - TunisiaForward Observer (Air)
Armies of Great Britain1942-45 - BurmaForward Observer (Air)
Armies of Great Britain1943-45 Australian Jungle DivisionForward Observer (Air)
Armies of Great Britain1944 - Market GardenForward Observer (Air) (Veteran)
Armies of Great Britain1944 - Monte CassinoForward Observer (Air)
Armies of Great Britain1944 - NormandyForward Observer (Air)
Armies of Great Britain1945 - Into The ReichForward Observer (Air)
Armies of Great BritainBritish Reinforced PlatoonForward Observer (Air)
Armies of Great BritainNormandy Royal Marine Commando TroopRM Forward Observer (Air)
Battle of FranceGrenadier GuardsForward Observer (Air)
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLate-War British Anti-tank Reinforced PlatoonForward Observer (Air)
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLate-War British Machine-gun Reinforced PlatoonForward Observer (Air)
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLate-War British Mortar Reinforced PlatoonForward Observer (Air)
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLateWar Allied Armoured Division NW Europe PlatoonForward Observer (Air)
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsMid/Late-War Royal Artillery Gun TroopForward Observer (Air)
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsRAF Regiment Armoured Squadron (Armoured Platoon)Forward Observer (Air)
D-Day: OverlordBritish 6th AirborneForward Observer (Air)
D-Day: OverlordBritish/Canadian Beach AssaultForward Observer (Air)
D-Day: OverlordBritish/Canadian D-Day (Off the Beaches)Forward Observer (Air)
DefianceBritish (Revised)Forward Observer (Air)
DefianceBritish AirborneForward Observer (Air)
DefianceBritish Heavy InfantryForward Observer (Air)
DefianceCanadianForward Observer (Air)
GigantO'Connor Force Armoured PlatoonForward Observer (Air)
Italy: Soft Underbelly201st GuardsForward Observer (Air)
Italy: Soft Underbelly8th Indian DivisionForward Observer (Air)
Italy: Soft UnderbellyA ForceForward Observer (Air)
Italy: Soft UnderbellyCanadian First DivisionForward Observer (Air)
Italy: Soft UnderbellyChavasse ForceForward Observer (Air)
Italy: Soft UnderbellyCommando/RMC Troop (Sicily and Salerno)Forward Observer (Air)
Italy: Soft UnderbellyEight Army (Sicily)Forward Observer (Air)
Italy: Soft UnderbellyEighth Army (Italy, 1943)Forward Observer (Air)
Italy: Soft UnderbellySpecial Raiding Squadron (Sicily)Forward Observer (Air)
Italy: Soft UnderbellyTermoli Assault ForceForward Observer (Air)
Italy: Soft UnderbellyX CorpsForward Observer (Air)
Italy: Tough GutBritish 1st Infantry Division (Anzio)Forward Observer (Air)
Italy: Tough GutII NZ Corps Reinforced PlatoonForward Observer (Air)
Italy: Tough GutII Polish Corps (Apr-Jun, 1944)Forward Observer (Air)
Italy: Tough GutOperation HonkerForward Observer (Air)
Italy: Tough GutX Corps Reinforced Platoon(January-February 1944)Forward Observer (Air)
New Guinea1942 Australian ArmyForward Observer (Air)
New Guinea1943-45 Australian Jungle DivisionForward Observer (Air)
New GuineaAustralian Imperial ForceForward Observer (Air)
New GuineaAustralian Kanga ForceForward Observer (Air)
New GuineaAustralian Reinforced PlatoonForward Observer (Air)
New GuineaAustralian Tank PlatoonForward Observer (Air)
New GuineaDefence of Milne BayForward Observer (Air)
ResurgenceBritish Tank PlatoonForward Observer (Air)
Sea LionAirfield Defence Reinforced Platoon (Regular)Forward Observer (Air) 
Sea LionCoastal Defence Reinforced Platoon (Regular)Forward Observer (Air) 
Sea LionRegular Army Infantry Reinforced PlatoonForward Observer (Air) 
Sea LionRegular Army Reinforced Tank PlatoonForward Observer (Air) 
Tank WarsBritish Tank PlatoonForward Observer (Air)
v2 RulebookBritish rule book units onlyForward Observer (Air)
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - British - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Air)
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - British - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Air)
Western Desert1940-42 Commonwealth Infantry BrigadeForward Observer (Air)