Armies of the United States1942 - Operation TorchRegular Engineer squad
Armies of the United States1942-43 - GuadalcanalRegular Engineer squad
Armies of the United States1943 - El Guettar- First US VictoryRegular Engineer squad
Armies of the United States1943 - Kasserine PassRegular Engineer squad
Armies of the United States1943 - Operation AvalancheRegular Engineer squad
Armies of the United States1943 - Operation HuskyRegular Engineer squad
Armies of the United States1944 - Battle of the BulgeRegular Engineer squad
Armies of the United States1944 - CassinoRegular Engineer squad
Armies of the United States1944 - NormandyRegular Engineer squad
Armies of the United States1944 - Operation CobraRegular Engineer squad
Armies of the United States1944-45 - Iwo JimaRegular Engineer squad
Armies of the United States1945 - Operation GrenadeRegular Engineer squad
Armies of the United States1945 - RhinelandRegular Engineer squad
Italy: Soft Underbelly1st Infantry Division (Sicily)Regular Engineer squad
Italy: Soft Underbelly2nd ArmouredRegular Engineer squad
Italy: Soft Underbelly82nd Airborne Division (Sicily)Regular Engineer squad
Italy: Soft UnderbellyArmoured Infantry Platoon (Sicily and Italy)Regular Engineer squad
Italy: Tough GutCassino Tank/Tank Destroyer Tank PlatoonRegular Engineer squad
D-Day: US SectorLate-war US Army Anti-tankRegular Engineer squad
Armies of the United StatesU.S. Reinforced PlatoonRegular Engineer squad
Tank WarsU.S. Tank PlatoonRegular Engineer squad
Italy: Soft UnderbellyVI CorpsRegular Engineer squad
Italy: Tough GutVI Corps (Anzio Breakout)Regular Engineer squad
Italy: Tough GutVI Corps (Anzio, Jan-Feb 1944)Regular Engineer squad
Italy: Soft UnderbellyX Force, Darby's Rangers (Sicily)Regular Engineer squad