Armies of the Soviet Union1941 July-September, Battle of KievKatyusha 
Armies of the Soviet Union1941 October-December, Operation TyphoonKatyusha 
Armies of the Soviet Union1941 September-October, Zhukov Takes CommandKatyusha 
Armies of the Soviet Union1941-1942 December-January, BlitzfreezeKatyusha 
Armies of the Soviet Union1941-1942 November-July, Seige of SevastopolKatyusha 
Armies of the Soviet Union1942 January-April, Rzhev-VyazmaKatyusha 
Armies of the Soviet Union1942 July, Battle of VoronezhvKatyusha 
Armies of the Soviet Union1942 May, Second Battle of KharkovKatyusha