Armies of Germany1943 - Operation CitadelSpätrupp
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Defense of ItalySpätrupp
Armies of Germany1944 - Atlantic Wall Resistance NestSpätrupp
Armies of Germany1944 - Defense of the EastSpätrupp
Armies of Germany1944 - NormandySpätrupp
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Holding the West WallSpätrupp
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Operation Watch on the RhineSpätrupp
Armies of Germany1945 - Last LevySpätrupp
Armies of Germany1945 - Operation Spring AwakeningSpätrupp
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonSpätrupp
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - German - Recce Infantry PlatoonSpätrupp
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - German - Rifle PlatoonSpätrupp