Armies of Germany1939 - The September CampaignAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1939 - The September CampaignArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1939 - The September CampaignCaptain
Armies of Germany1939 - The September CampaignFirst Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1939 - The September CampaignMajor
Armies of Germany1939 - The September CampaignSecond Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1940 - The Battle of FranceAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1940 - The Battle of FranceArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1940 - The Battle of FranceCaptain
Armies of Germany1940 - The Battle of FranceFirst Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1940 - The Battle of FranceMajor
Armies of Germany1940 - The Battle of FranceSecond Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1941 - Operation BarbarossaAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1941 - Operation BarbarossaArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1941 - Operation BarbarossaCaptain
Armies of Germany1941 - Operation BarbarossaFirst Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1941 - Operation BarbarossaMajor
Armies of Germany1941 - Operation BarbarossaSecond Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1941 - Operation MercuryAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1941 - Operation MercuryArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1941 - Operation MercuryCaptain
Armies of Germany1941 - Operation MercuryFirst Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1941 - Operation MercuryMajor
Armies of Germany1941 - Operation MercurySecond Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1941-42 - Rommel TriumphantAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1941-42 - Rommel TriumphantArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1941-42 - Rommel TriumphantCaptain
Armies of Germany1941-42 - Rommel TriumphantFirst Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1941-42 - Rommel TriumphantMajor
Armies of Germany1941-42 - Rommel TriumphantSecond Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1942 - Operation BlueAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1942 - Operation BlueArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1942 - Operation BlueCaptain
Armies of Germany1942 - Operation BlueFirst Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1942 - Operation BlueMajor
Armies of Germany1942 - Operation BlueSecond Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1942 - Stalingrad, Death on the VolgaAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1942 - Stalingrad, Death on the VolgaArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1942 - Stalingrad, Death on the VolgaCaptain
Armies of Germany1942 - Stalingrad, Death on the VolgaFirst Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1942 - Stalingrad, Death on the VolgaMajor
Armies of Germany1942 - Stalingrad, Death on the VolgaSecond Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1942-43 - Rommel's DefeatAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1942-43 - Rommel's DefeatArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1942-43 - Rommel's DefeatCaptain
Armies of Germany1942-43 - Rommel's DefeatFirst Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1942-43 - Rommel's DefeatMajor
Armies of Germany1942-43 - Rommel's DefeatSecond Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1943 - Operation CitadelAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1943 - Operation CitadelArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1943 - Operation CitadelCaptain
Armies of Germany1943 - Operation CitadelFirst Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1943 - Operation CitadelMajor
Armies of Germany1943 - Operation CitadelSecond Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Anti-partisan Security PatrolAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Anti-partisan Security PatrolArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Anti-partisan Security PatrolCaptain
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Anti-partisan Security PatrolFirst Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Anti-partisan Security PatrolMajor
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Anti-partisan Security PatrolSecond Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Defense of ItalyAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Defense of ItalyArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Defense of ItalyCaptain
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Defense of ItalyFallschirmjäger Captain (Italy 1944)
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Defense of ItalyFallschirmjäger First Lieutenant (Italy 1944)
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Defense of ItalyFallschirmjäger Major (Italy 1944)
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Defense of ItalyFallschirmjäger Second Lieutenant (Italy 1944)
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Defense of ItalyFirst Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Defense of ItalyMajor
Armies of Germany1943-44 - Defense of ItalySecond Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1944 - Atlantic Wall Resistance NestAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1944 - Atlantic Wall Resistance NestArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1944 - Atlantic Wall Resistance NestCaptain
Armies of Germany1944 - Atlantic Wall Resistance NestFirst Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1944 - Atlantic Wall Resistance NestMajor
Armies of Germany1944 - Atlantic Wall Resistance NestSecond Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1944 - Defense of the EastAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1944 - Defense of the EastArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1944 - Defense of the EastCaptain
Armies of Germany1944 - Defense of the EastFirst Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1944 - Defense of the EastMajor
Armies of Germany1944 - Defense of the EastSecond Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1944 - NormandyAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1944 - NormandyArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1944 - NormandyCaptain
Armies of Germany1944 - NormandyFirst Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1944 - NormandyMajor
Armies of Germany1944 - NormandySecond Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Holding the West WallAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Holding the West WallArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Holding the West WallCaptain
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Holding the West WallFirst Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Holding the West WallMajor
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Holding the West WallSecond Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Operation Watch on the RhineAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Operation Watch on the RhineArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Operation Watch on the RhineCaptain
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Operation Watch on the RhineFirst Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Operation Watch on the RhineMajor
Armies of Germany1944-45 - Operation Watch on the RhineSecond Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1945 - Last LevyAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1945 - Last LevyArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1945 - Last LevyCaptain
Armies of Germany1945 - Last LevyFirst Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1945 - Last LevyMajor
Armies of Germany1945 - Last LevySecond Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1945 - Operation Spring AwakeningAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1945 - Operation Spring AwakeningArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of Germany1945 - Operation Spring AwakeningCaptain
Armies of Germany1945 - Operation Spring AwakeningFirst Lieutenant
Armies of Germany1945 - Operation Spring AwakeningMajor
Armies of Germany1945 - Operation Spring AwakeningSecond Lieutenant
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonCaptain
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonFallschirmjäger Captain (Italy 1944)
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonFallschirmjäger First Lieutenant (Italy 1944)
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonFallschirmjäger Major (Italy 1944)
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonFallschirmjäger Second Lieutenant (Italy 1944)
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonLead Squad
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonMajor
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonWaffen-SS Captain
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonWaffen-SS First Lieutenant
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonWaffen-SS Major
Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonWaffen-SS Second Lieutenant
Armies of GermanyPanzerbrigade 150Artillery Forward Observer
Armies of GermanyPanzerbrigade 150Captain
Armies of GermanyPanzerbrigade 150First Lieutenant
Armies of GermanyPanzerbrigade 150Lead Squad
Armies of GermanyPanzerbrigade 150Major
Armies of GermanyPanzerbrigade 150Second Lieutenant
Battle of France1940 Panzer DivisionAir Force Forward Observer
Battle of France1940 Panzer DivisionArtillery Forward Observer
Battle of France1940 Panzer DivisionCaptain
Battle of France1940 Panzer DivisionMajor
Battle of FranceEarly War Anti-tank Gun PlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
Battle of FranceEarly War Anti-tank Gun PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
Battle of FranceEarly War Anti-tank Gun PlatoonCaptain
Battle of FranceEarly War Anti-tank Gun PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
Battle of FranceEarly War Anti-tank Gun PlatoonMajor
Battle of FranceEarly War Anti-tank Gun PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
Battle of FranceInfantry Regiment 9 - PotsdamAir Force Forward Observer
Battle of FranceInfantry Regiment 9 - PotsdamArtillery Forward Observer
Battle of FranceInfantry Regiment 9 - PotsdamCaptain
Battle of FranceInfantry Regiment 9 - PotsdamFirst Lieutenant
Battle of FranceInfantry Regiment 9 - PotsdamMajor
Battle of FranceInfantry Regiment 9 - PotsdamSecond Lieutenant
Battle of FranceKraftradschützen Reinforced PlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
Battle of FranceKraftradschützen Reinforced PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
Battle of FranceKraftradschützen Reinforced PlatoonCaptain
Battle of FranceKraftradschützen Reinforced PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
Battle of FranceKraftradschützen Reinforced PlatoonMajor
Battle of FranceKraftradschützen Reinforced PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
Battle of the BulgeKampfgruppe PeiperArtillery Forward Observer
Battle of the BulgeKampfgruppe PeiperCaptain
Battle of the BulgeKampfgruppe PeiperFirst Lieutenant
Battle of the BulgeKampfgruppe PeiperMajor
Battle of the BulgeKampfgruppe PeiperSecond Lieutenant
Battle of the BulgeKampfgruppe PeiperSS-Sturmbannführer Joachim Peiper
Battle of the BulgeLate-War Fallschirmjäger (Independent)Air Force Forward Observer
Battle of the BulgeLate-War Fallschirmjäger (Independent)Artillery Forward Observer
Battle of the BulgeLate-War Fallschirmjäger (Independent)Captain
Battle of the BulgeLate-War Fallschirmjäger (Independent)First Lieutenant
Battle of the BulgeLate-War Fallschirmjäger (Independent)Major
Battle of the BulgeLate-War Fallschirmjäger (Independent)Second Lieutenant
Battle of the BulgeLate-War Fallschirmjäger (Panzer support)Air Force Forward Observer
Battle of the BulgeLate-War Fallschirmjäger (Panzer support)Artillery Forward Observer
Battle of the BulgeLate-War Fallschirmjäger (Panzer support)Captain
Battle of the BulgeLate-War Fallschirmjäger (Panzer support)First Lieutenant
Battle of the BulgeLate-War Fallschirmjäger (Panzer support)Major
Battle of the BulgeLate-War Fallschirmjäger (Panzer support)Second Lieutenant
Battle of the BulgePanzerbrigade 150Artillery Forward Observer
Battle of the BulgePanzerbrigade 150Captain
Battle of the BulgePanzerbrigade 150First Lieutenant
Battle of the BulgePanzerbrigade 150Lead Squad
Battle of the BulgePanzerbrigade 150Major
Battle of the BulgePanzerbrigade 150Second Lieutenant
Belgium Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Belgian - Artillery PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Belgium Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Belgian - Engineer PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Belgium Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Belgian - Heavy Weapons PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Belgium Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Belgian - Rifle PlatoonCompany Commander
Belgium Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Belgian - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Belgium Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Belgian - Rifle PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Belgium Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Belgian -Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Belgium Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Belgian -Recce Infantry PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Bulgaria Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Bulgaria - Artillery PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Bulgaria Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Bulgaria - Engineer PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Bulgaria Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Bulgaria - Heavy Weapons PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Bulgaria Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Bulgaria - Rifle PlatoonCompany Commander
Bulgaria Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Bulgaria - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Bulgaria Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Bulgaria - Rifle PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Bulgaria Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Bulgaria -Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Bulgaria Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Bulgaria -Recce Infantry PlatoonPlatoon Commander
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors12th SS Heavy/Mortar Platoon12th SS Support Captain
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors12th SS Heavy/Mortar Platoon12th SS Support First Lieutenant
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors12th SS Heavy/Mortar Platoon12th SS Support Second Lieutenant
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors12th SS Heavy/Mortar PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors12th SS Panzer Regiment Armoured Platoon12th SS Captain
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors12th SS Panzer Regiment Armoured Platoon12th SS First Lieutenant
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors12th SS Panzer Regiment Armoured Platoon12th SS Major
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors12th SS Panzer Regiment Armoured Platoon12th SS Second Lieutenant
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors12th SS Panzer Regiment Armoured PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors12th SS Panzergrenadier Platoon12th SS Captain
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors12th SS Panzergrenadier Platoon12th SS First Lieutenant
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors12th SS Panzergrenadier Platoon12th SS Major
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors12th SS Panzergrenadier Platoon12th SS Second Lieutenant
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors12th SS Panzergrenadier PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors16. FD(L)Artillery Forward Observer
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors16. FD(L)Luftwaffe Captain
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors16. FD(L)Luftwaffe First Lieutenant
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors16. FD(L)Luftwaffe Major
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors16. FD(L)Luftwaffe Medic
D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors16. FD(L)Luftwaffe Second Lieutenant
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLuftwaffe Defence ForceLuftwaffe Captain
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLuftwaffe Defence ForceLuftwaffe First Lieutenant
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLuftwaffe Defence ForceLuftwaffe Major
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLuftwaffe Defence ForceLuftwaffe Medic
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLuftwaffe Defence ForceLuftwaffe Second Lieutenant
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLuftwaffe FD Machine Gun PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLuftwaffe FD Machine Gun PlatoonLuftwaffe Captain
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLuftwaffe FD Machine Gun PlatoonLuftwaffe First Lieutenant
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLuftwaffe FD Machine Gun PlatoonLuftwaffe Major
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLuftwaffe FD Machine Gun PlatoonLuftwaffe Medic
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLuftwaffe FD Machine Gun PlatoonLuftwaffe Second Lieutenant
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLuftwaffe Flak PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLuftwaffe Flak PlatoonLuftwaffe Captain
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLuftwaffe Flak PlatoonLuftwaffe First Lieutenant
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLuftwaffe Flak PlatoonLuftwaffe Medic
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsLuftwaffe Flak PlatoonLuftwaffe Second Lieutenant
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsPanzer-Lehr Normandy 1944Air Force Forward Observer
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsPanzer-Lehr Normandy 1944Artillery Forward Observer
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsPanzer-Lehr Normandy 1944Captain
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsPanzer-Lehr Normandy 1944First Lieutenant
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsPanzer-Lehr Normandy 1944Major
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsPanzer-Lehr Normandy 1944Second Lieutenant
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsStatic Division Reinforced PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsStatic Division Reinforced PlatoonCaptain
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsStatic Division Reinforced PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsStatic Division Reinforced PlatoonMajor
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsStatic Division Reinforced PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsStatic Division Reinforced PlatoonStatic Division special rules (bunker)
D-Day: Overlord100th Panzer Replacement and Training BattalionArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: Overlord100th Panzer Replacement and Training BattalionCaptain
D-Day: Overlord100th Panzer Replacement and Training BattalionFirst Lieutenant
D-Day: Overlord100th Panzer Replacement and Training BattalionMajor
D-Day: Overlord100th Panzer Replacement and Training BattalionSecond Lieutenant
D-Day: Overlord21st Panzer Division Panzergrenadier (D-Day)Artillery Forward Observer
D-Day: Overlord21st Panzer Division Panzergrenadier (D-Day)Captain
D-Day: Overlord21st Panzer Division Panzergrenadier (D-Day)First Lieutenant
D-Day: Overlord21st Panzer Division Panzergrenadier (D-Day)Major
D-Day: Overlord21st Panzer Division Panzergrenadier (D-Day)Second Lieutenant
D-Day: Overlord91st Luftlande DivisionArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: Overlord91st Luftlande DivisionCaptain
D-Day: Overlord91st Luftlande DivisionFirst Lieutenant
D-Day: Overlord91st Luftlande DivisionMajor
D-Day: Overlord91st Luftlande DivisionSecond Lieutenant
D-Day: OverlordKampfgruppe OppelnArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: OverlordKampfgruppe OppelnCaptain
D-Day: OverlordKampfgruppe OppelnFirst Lieutenant
D-Day: OverlordKampfgruppe OppelnMajor
D-Day: OverlordKampfgruppe OppelnSecond Lieutenant
D-Day: OverlordMerville DefenceArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: OverlordMerville DefenceFirst Lieutenant
D-Day: OverlordMerville DefenceSecond Lieutenant
D-Day: OverlordOmaha Beach Resistance NestArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: OverlordOmaha Beach Resistance NestCaptain
D-Day: OverlordOmaha Beach Resistance NestFirst Lieutenant
D-Day: OverlordOmaha Beach Resistance NestMajor
D-Day: OverlordOmaha Beach Resistance NestSecond Lieutenant
D-Day: OverlordStatic Division's Resistance NestArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: OverlordStatic Division's Resistance NestCaptain
D-Day: OverlordStatic Division's Resistance NestFirst Lieutenant
D-Day: OverlordStatic Division's Resistance NestMajor
D-Day: OverlordStatic Division's Resistance NestSecond Lieutenant
D-Day: US Sector116th Panzer Division Panzer GrenadierAir Force Forward Observer
D-Day: US Sector116th Panzer Division Panzer GrenadierArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: US Sector116th Panzer Division Panzer GrenadierCaptain
D-Day: US Sector116th Panzer Division Panzer GrenadierFirst Lieutenant
D-Day: US Sector116th Panzer Division Panzer GrenadierMajor
D-Day: US Sector116th Panzer Division Panzer GrenadierSecond Lieutenant
D-Day: US Sector17 SS Aufklärungs PlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
D-Day: US Sector17 SS Aufklärungs PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: US Sector17 SS Aufklärungs PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
D-Day: US Sector17 SS Aufklärungs PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
D-Day: US Sector17 SS Aufklärungs PlatoonWaffen-SS Captain
D-Day: US Sector17 SS Aufklärungs PlatoonWaffen-SS First Lieutenant
D-Day: US Sector17th SS PanzergrenadierAir Force Forward Observer
D-Day: US Sector17th SS PanzergrenadierArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: US Sector17th SS PanzergrenadierWaffen-SS Captain
D-Day: US Sector17th SS PanzergrenadierWaffen-SS First Lieutenant
D-Day: US Sector17th SS PanzergrenadierWaffen-SS Major
D-Day: US Sector17th SS PanzergrenadierWaffen-SS Second Lieutenant
D-Day: US Sector17th SS PanzerkompanieAir Force Forward Observer
D-Day: US Sector17th SS PanzerkompanieArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: US Sector17th SS PanzerkompanieWaffen-SS Captain
D-Day: US Sector17th SS PanzerkompanieWaffen-SS First Lieutenant
D-Day: US Sector17th SS PanzerkompanieWaffen-SS Major
D-Day: US Sector17th SS PanzerkompanieWaffen-SS Second Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorDefence of ParisCaptain
D-Day: US SectorDefence of ParisFirst Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorDefence of ParisMajor
D-Day: US SectorDefence of ParisSecond Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorDefenders of Cherbourg 1944Artillery Forward Observer
D-Day: US SectorDefenders of Cherbourg 1944Captain
D-Day: US SectorDefenders of Cherbourg 1944First Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorDefenders of Cherbourg 1944Kriegsmarine Captain
D-Day: US SectorDefenders of Cherbourg 1944Kriegsmarine First Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorDefenders of Cherbourg 1944Kriegsmarine Major
D-Day: US SectorDefenders of Cherbourg 1944Kriegsmarine Second Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorDefenders of Cherbourg 1944Luftwaffe First Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorDefenders of Cherbourg 1944Luftwaffe Medic
D-Day: US SectorDefenders of Cherbourg 1944Luftwaffe Second Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorDefenders of Cherbourg 1944Major
D-Day: US SectorDefenders of Cherbourg 1944Second Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorDefenders of Cherbourg 1944Support First Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorDefenders of Cherbourg 1944Support Second Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorFallschirm-SturmgeschützCaptain
D-Day: US SectorFallschirm-SturmgeschützFallschirmjäger Captain
D-Day: US SectorFallschirm-SturmgeschützFallschirmjäger First Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorFallschirm-SturmgeschützFallschirmjäger Second Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorFallschirm-SturmgeschützFirst Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorFallschirm-SturmgeschützSecond Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorFallschirmjäger Anti-tankFallschirmjäger Support Captain
D-Day: US SectorFallschirmjäger Anti-tankFallschirmjäger Support First Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorFallschirmjäger Anti-tankFallschirmjäger Support Second Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorFallschirmjäger Regiment 6Air Force Forward Observer
D-Day: US SectorFallschirmjäger Regiment 6Artillery Forward Observer
D-Day: US SectorFallschirmjäger Regiment 6Fallschirmjäger Captain
D-Day: US SectorFallschirmjäger Regiment 6Fallschirmjäger First Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorFallschirmjäger Regiment 6Fallschirmjäger Major
D-Day: US SectorFallschirmjäger Regiment 6Fallschirmjäger Second Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorFallschirmjäger Support WeaponsAir Force Forward Observer
D-Day: US SectorFallschirmjäger Support WeaponsArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: US SectorFallschirmjäger Support WeaponsFallschirmjäger Support Captain
D-Day: US SectorFallschirmjäger Support WeaponsFallschirmjäger Support First Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorFallschirmjäger Support WeaponsFallschirmjäger Support Second Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorLate-war Anti-tank GunAir Force Forward Observer
D-Day: US SectorLate-war Anti-tank GunArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: US SectorLate-war Anti-tank GunSupport Captain
D-Day: US SectorLate-war Anti-tank GunSupport First Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorLate-war Anti-tank GunSupport Major
D-Day: US SectorLate-war Anti-tank GunSupport Second Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorLate-war Panzergrenadier HeavyAir Force Forward Observer
D-Day: US SectorLate-war Panzergrenadier HeavyArtillery Forward Observer
D-Day: US SectorLate-war Panzergrenadier HeavySupport Captain
D-Day: US SectorLate-war Panzergrenadier HeavySupport First Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorLate-war Panzergrenadier HeavySupport Major
D-Day: US SectorLate-war Panzergrenadier HeavySupport Second Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorLions of CarentanFallschirmjäger Captain
D-Day: US SectorLions of CarentanFallschirmjäger First Lieutenant
D-Day: US SectorLions of CarentanFallschirmjäger Second Lieutenant
DefianceGermany (Revised)Air Force Forward Observer
DefianceGermany (Revised)Artillery Forward Observer
DefianceGermany (Revised)Captain
DefianceGermany (Revised)First Lieutenant
DefianceGermany (Revised)Major
DefianceGermany (Revised)Second Lieutenant
DefianceGermany AirborneAir Force Forward Observer
DefianceGermany AirborneArtillery Forward Observer
DefianceGermany AirborneCaptain
DefianceGermany AirborneFirst Lieutenant
DefianceGermany AirborneMajor
DefianceGermany AirborneSecond Lieutenant
DefianceGermany Heavy InfantryAir Force Forward Observer
DefianceGermany Heavy InfantryArtillery Forward Observer
DefianceGermany Heavy InfantryCaptain
DefianceGermany Heavy InfantryFirst Lieutenant
DefianceGermany Heavy InfantryMajor
DefianceGermany Heavy InfantrySecond Lieutenant
DefianceGermany SS ShocktrooperAir Force Forward Observer
DefianceGermany SS ShocktrooperArtillery Forward Observer
DefianceGermany SS ShocktrooperCaptain
DefianceGermany SS ShocktrooperFirst Lieutenant
DefianceGermany SS ShocktrooperMajor
DefianceGermany SS ShocktrooperSecond Lieutenant
Duel in the SunFallschirmjäger PlatoonFallschirmjäger Air Force Forward Observer
Duel in the SunFallschirmjäger PlatoonFallschirmjäger Captain
Duel in the SunFallschirmjäger PlatoonFallschirmjäger First Lieutenant
Duel in the SunFallschirmjäger PlatoonFallschirmjäger Major
Duel in the SunFallschirmjäger PlatoonFallschirmjäger Medic
Duel in the SunFallschirmjäger PlatoonFallschirmjäger Second Lieutenant
Duel in the SunHermann Göring Division (Tunisia)Air Force Forward Observer
Duel in the SunHermann Göring Division (Tunisia)Artillery Forward Observer
Duel in the SunHermann Göring Division (Tunisia)Captain
Duel in the SunHermann Göring Division (Tunisia)First Lieutenant
Duel in the SunHermann Göring Division (Tunisia)Major
Duel in the SunHermann Göring Division (Tunisia)Second Lieutenant
Finland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Finland - Artillery PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Finland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Finland - Engineer PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Finland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Finland - Heavy Weapons PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Finland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Finland - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Finland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Finland - Recce Infantry PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Finland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Finland - Rifle PlatoonCompany Commander
Finland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Finland - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Finland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Finland - Rifle PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Fortress Budapest1944-45 Panzergrenadier Reinforced PlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
Fortress Budapest1944-45 Panzergrenadier Reinforced PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
Fortress Budapest1944-45 Panzergrenadier Reinforced PlatoonCaptain
Fortress Budapest1944-45 Panzergrenadier Reinforced PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
Fortress Budapest1944-45 Panzergrenadier Reinforced PlatoonMajor
Fortress Budapest1944-45 Panzergrenadier Reinforced PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
Fortress Budapest6th SS Panzer Army Armoured PlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
Fortress Budapest6th SS Panzer Army Armoured PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
Fortress Budapest6th SS Panzer Army Armoured PlatoonCaptain
Fortress Budapest6th SS Panzer Army Armoured PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
Fortress Budapest6th SS Panzer Army Armoured PlatoonMajor
Fortress Budapest6th SS Panzer Army Armoured PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
Fortress BudapestBudapest Pocket Defenders (German & Hungarian)Artillery Forward Observer
Fortress BudapestBudapest Pocket Defenders (German & Hungarian)Captain
Fortress BudapestBudapest Pocket Defenders (German & Hungarian)First Lieutenant
Fortress BudapestBudapest Pocket Defenders (German & Hungarian)Major
Fortress BudapestBudapest Pocket Defenders (German & Hungarian)Second Lieutenant
Fortress BudapestHeavy Anti-aircraft Battery Reinforced PlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
Fortress BudapestHeavy Anti-aircraft Battery Reinforced PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
Fortress BudapestHeavy Anti-aircraft Battery Reinforced PlatoonCaptain
Fortress BudapestHeavy Anti-aircraft Battery Reinforced PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
Fortress BudapestHeavy Anti-aircraft Battery Reinforced PlatoonMajor
Fortress BudapestHeavy Anti-aircraft Battery Reinforced PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
Fortress BudapestIV SS Panzer Corps Armoured PlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
Fortress BudapestIV SS Panzer Corps Armoured PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
Fortress BudapestIV SS Panzer Corps Armoured PlatoonCaptain
Fortress BudapestIV SS Panzer Corps Armoured PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
Fortress BudapestIV SS Panzer Corps Armoured PlatoonMajor
Fortress BudapestIV SS Panzer Corps Armoured PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
Fortress BudapestPanzer Kampfgruppe Armoured PlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
Fortress BudapestPanzer Kampfgruppe Armoured PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
Fortress BudapestPanzer Kampfgruppe Armoured PlatoonCaptain
Fortress BudapestPanzer Kampfgruppe Armoured PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
Fortress BudapestPanzer Kampfgruppe Armoured PlatoonMajor
Fortress BudapestPanzer Kampfgruppe Armoured PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
Fortress BudapestPanzer Reconnaissance Reinforced PlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
Fortress BudapestPanzer Reconnaissance Reinforced PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
Fortress BudapestPanzer Reconnaissance Reinforced PlatoonCaptain
Fortress BudapestPanzer Reconnaissance Reinforced PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
Fortress BudapestPanzer Reconnaissance Reinforced PlatoonMajor
Fortress BudapestPanzer Reconnaissance Reinforced PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
French Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - France - Artillery PlatoonPlatoon Commander
French Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - France - Engineer PlatoonPlatoon Commander
French Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - France - Heavy Weapons PlatoonPlatoon Commander
French Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - France - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Air Force)
French Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - France - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
French Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - France - Recce Infantry PlatoonPlatoon Commander
French Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - France - Rifle PlatoonCompany Commander
French Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - France - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Air Force)
French Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - France - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
French Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - France - Rifle PlatoonPlatoon Commander
GigantDeutsche England Korps Kampfgruppe ArmouredPlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
GigantDeutsche England Korps Kampfgruppe ArmouredPlatoonCaptain
GigantDeutsche England Korps Kampfgruppe ArmouredPlatoonMajor
GigantDeutsche England Korps Motorised ReconnaissanceAir Force Forward Observer
GigantDeutsche England Korps Motorised ReconnaissanceCaptain
GigantDeutsche England Korps Motorised ReconnaissanceMajor
Greek Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Greece - Artillery PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Greek Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Greece - Engineer PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Greek Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Greece - Heavy Weapons PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Greek Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Greece - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Greek Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Greece - Recce Infantry PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Greek Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Greece - Rifle PlatoonCompany Commander
Greek Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Greece - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Greek Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Greece - Rifle PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Hungary Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Hungary - Artillery PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Hungary Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Hungary - Engineer PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Hungary Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Hungary - Heavy Weapons PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Hungary Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Hungary - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Hungary Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Hungary - Recce Infantry PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Hungary Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Hungary - Rifle PlatoonCompany Commander
Hungary Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Hungary - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Hungary Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Hungary - Rifle PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Italy Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Italy - Artillery PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Italy Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Italy - Engineer PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Italy Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Italy - Heavy Weapons PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Italy Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Italy - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Air Force)
Italy Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Italy - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Italy Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Italy - Recce Infantry PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Italy Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Italy - Rifle PlatoonCompany Commander
Italy Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Italy - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Air Force)
Italy Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Italy - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Italy Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Italy - Rifle PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Italy: Soft UnderbellyFallschirmjäger (Italy, 1943)Air Force Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyFallschirmjäger (Italy, 1943)Artillery Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyFallschirmjäger (Italy, 1943)Fallschirmjäger Captain
Italy: Soft UnderbellyFallschirmjäger (Italy, 1943)Fallschirmjäger First Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyFallschirmjäger (Italy, 1943)Fallschirmjäger Major
Italy: Soft UnderbellyFallschirmjäger (Italy, 1943)Fallschirmjäger Second Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyFallschirmjäger (Primosole Bridge)Air Force Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyFallschirmjäger (Primosole Bridge)Artillery Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyFallschirmjäger (Primosole Bridge)Fallschirmjäger Captain
Italy: Soft UnderbellyFallschirmjäger (Primosole Bridge)Fallschirmjäger First Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyFallschirmjäger (Primosole Bridge)Fallschirmjäger Major
Italy: Soft UnderbellyFallschirmjäger (Primosole Bridge)Fallschirmjäger Second Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyGrenadier (Italy, 1943)Air Force Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyGrenadier (Italy, 1943)Artillery Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyGrenadier (Italy, 1943)Captain
Italy: Soft UnderbellyGrenadier (Italy, 1943)First Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyGrenadier (Italy, 1943)Major
Italy: Soft UnderbellyGrenadier (Italy, 1943)Second Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyHermann Göring Division (Sicily and Salerno)Air Force Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyHermann Göring Division (Sicily and Salerno)Artillery Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyHermann Göring Division (Sicily and Salerno)Captain
Italy: Soft UnderbellyHermann Göring Division (Sicily and Salerno)First Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyHermann Göring Division (Sicily and Salerno)Major
Italy: Soft UnderbellyHermann Göring Division (Sicily and Salerno)Second Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe East HGDAir Force Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe East HGDArtillery Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe East HGDCaptain
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe East HGDFirst Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe East HGDMajor
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe East HGDSecond Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe SchmalzAir Force Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe SchmalzArtillery Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe SchmalzCaptain
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe SchmalzFallschirmjäger Captain
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe SchmalzFallschirmjäger First Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe SchmalzFallschirmjäger Major
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe SchmalzFallschirmjäger Second Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe SchmalzFirst Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe SchmalzMajor
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe SchmalzSecond Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe Stempel (16th Panzer)Air Force Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe Stempel (16th Panzer)Artillery Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe Stempel (16th Panzer)Captain
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe Stempel (16th Panzer)First Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe Stempel (16th Panzer)Major
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe Stempel (16th Panzer)Second Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe Ulich (29th Panzer)Air Force Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe Ulich (29th Panzer)Artillery Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe Ulich (29th Panzer)Captain
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe Ulich (29th Panzer)First Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe Ulich (29th Panzer)Major
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe Ulich (29th Panzer)Second Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe von DoeringAir Force Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe von DoeringArtillery Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe von DoeringCaptain
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe von DoeringFirst Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe von DoeringMajor
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe von DoeringSecond Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe West HGDAir Force Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe West HGDArtillery Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe West HGDCaptain
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe West HGDFirst Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe West HGDMajor
Italy: Soft UnderbellyKampfgruppe West HGDSecond Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyPanzergrenadier (Italy, 1943)Air Force Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyPanzergrenadier (Italy, 1943)Artillery Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyPanzergrenadier (Italy, 1943)Captain
Italy: Soft UnderbellyPanzergrenadier (Italy, 1943)First Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyPanzergrenadier (Italy, 1943)Major
Italy: Soft UnderbellyPanzergrenadier (Italy, 1943)Second Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyPanzergrenadier (Sicily)Air Force Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyPanzergrenadier (Sicily)Artillery Forward Observer
Italy: Soft UnderbellyPanzergrenadier (Sicily)Captain
Italy: Soft UnderbellyPanzergrenadier (Sicily)First Lieutenant
Italy: Soft UnderbellyPanzergrenadier (Sicily)Major
Italy: Soft UnderbellyPanzergrenadier (Sicily)Second Lieutenant
Market Garden10th SS Aufklarungs BattalionCaptain
Market Garden10th SS Aufklarungs BattalionFirst Lieutenant
Market Garden10th SS Aufklarungs BattalionMajor
Market Garden10th SS Aufklarungs BattalionSecond Lieutenant
Market Garden16th SS Training and Replacement BattalionCaptain
Market Garden6th Fallschirmjäger RegimentArtillery Forward Observer
Market Garden6th Fallschirmjäger RegimentCaptain
Market Garden6th Fallschirmjäger RegimentFirst Lieutenant
Market Garden6th Fallschirmjäger RegimentMajor
Market Garden6th Fallschirmjäger RegimentSecond Lieutenant
Market GardenDutch SS Wachtbatallion III NordwestCaptain (Inexperienced)
Market GardenDutch SS Wachtbatallion III NordwestSecond Lieutenant (Inexperienced)
Market GardenGerman Second-Line UnitCaptain
Market GardenGerman Second-Line UnitSecond Lieutenant (Inexperienced)
Market GardenSchwere Panzerjäger Abteilung 559Air Force Forward Observer
Market GardenSchwere Panzerjäger Abteilung 559Artillery Forward Observer
Market GardenSchwere Panzerjäger Abteilung 559Captain
Market GardenSchwere Panzerjäger Abteilung 559First Lieutenant
Market GardenSchwere Panzerjäger Abteilung 559Major
Market GardenSchwere Panzerjäger Abteilung 559Second Lieutenant
Netherlands Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Netherlands - Artillery PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Netherlands Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Netherlands - Engineer PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Netherlands Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Netherlands - Heavy Weapons PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Netherlands Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Netherlands - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Air Force)
Netherlands Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Netherlands - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Netherlands Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Netherlands - Recce Infantry PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Netherlands Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Netherlands - Rifle PlatoonCompany Commander
Netherlands Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Netherlands - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Air Force)
Netherlands Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Netherlands - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Netherlands Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Netherlands - Rifle PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Norway Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Norway - Artillery PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Norway Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Norway - Engineer PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Norway Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Norway - Heavy Weapons PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Norway Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Norway - Rifle PlatoonCompany Commander
Norway Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Norway - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Norway Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Norway - Rifle PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Norway Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Norway -Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Norway Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Norway -Recce Infantry PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Partisans Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Partisan - Artillery PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Partisans Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Partisan - Engineer PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Partisans Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Partisan - Heavy Weapons PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Partisans Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Partisan -Recce Infantry PlatoonLiason Officer (Forward Air Observer)
Partisans Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Partisan -Recce Infantry PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Partisans Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Partisan -Rifle PlatoonCompany Commander
Partisans Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Partisan -Rifle PlatoonLiason Officer (Forward Air Observer)
Partisans Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Partisan -Rifle PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Poland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Poland - Artillery PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Poland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Poland - Engineer PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Poland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Poland - Heavy Weapons PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Poland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Poland - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Air Force)
Poland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Poland - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Poland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Poland - Recce Infantry PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Poland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Poland - Rifle PlatoonCompany Commander
Poland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Poland - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Air Force)
Poland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Poland - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Poland Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Poland - Rifle PlatoonPlatoon Commander
ResurgenceGerman Tank PlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
ResurgenceGerman Tank PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
ResurgenceGerman Tank PlatoonCaptain
ResurgenceGerman Tank PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
ResurgenceGerman Tank PlatoonMajor
ResurgenceGerman Tank PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
Road to Berlin5th Panzer DivisionAir Force Forward Observer
Road to Berlin5th Panzer DivisionArtillery Forward Observer
Road to Berlin5th Panzer DivisionCaptain
Road to Berlin5th Panzer DivisionFirst Lieutenant
Road to Berlin5th Panzer DivisionMajor
Road to Berlin5th Panzer DivisionSecond Lieutenant
Road to BerlinExtended Last LevyAir Force Forward Observer
Road to BerlinExtended Last LevyArtillery Forward Observer
Road to BerlinExtended Last LevyCaptain
Road to BerlinExtended Last LevyFirst Lieutenant
Road to BerlinExtended Last LevyMajor
Road to BerlinExtended Last LevySecond Lieutenant
Road to BerlinForlorn HopeAir Force Forward Observer
Road to BerlinForlorn HopeArtillery Forward Observer
Road to BerlinForlorn HopeCaptain
Road to BerlinForlorn HopeFirst Lieutenant
Road to BerlinForlorn HopeMajor
Road to BerlinForlorn HopeSecond Lieutenant
Road to BerlinHeavy Tank AbteilungAir Force Forward Observer
Road to BerlinHeavy Tank AbteilungArtillery Forward Observer
Road to BerlinHeavy Tank AbteilungCaptain
Road to BerlinHeavy Tank AbteilungFirst Lieutenant
Road to BerlinHeavy Tank AbteilungMajor
Road to BerlinHeavy Tank AbteilungSecond Lieutenant
Road to BerlinROA Reinforced PlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
Road to BerlinROA Reinforced PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
Road to BerlinROA Reinforced PlatoonCaptain
Road to BerlinROA Reinforced PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
Road to BerlinROA Reinforced PlatoonMajor
Road to BerlinROA Reinforced PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
Road to BerlinWarsaw UprisingCaptain
Road to BerlinWarsaw UprisingFirst Lieutenant
Road to BerlinWarsaw UprisingMajor
Road to BerlinWarsaw UprisingSecond Lieutenant
Romanian Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Romanian - Artillery PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Romanian Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Romanian - Engineer PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Romanian Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Romanian - Heavy Weapons PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Romanian Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Romanian - Rifle PlatoonCompany Commander
Romanian Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Romanian - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Romanian Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Romanian - Rifle PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Romanian Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Romanian -Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Romanian Version 3 PDF*Version 3 - Romanian -Recce Infantry PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Sea LionAirborne Raiders Reinforced PlatoonCaptain
Sea LionAirborne Raiders Reinforced PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
Sea LionAirborne Raiders Reinforced PlatoonMajor
Sea LionAirborne Raiders Reinforced PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
Sea LionBeach Landing Reinforced PlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
Sea LionBeach Landing Reinforced PlatoonCaptain
Sea LionBeach Landing Reinforced PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
Sea LionBeach Landing Reinforced PlatoonMajor
Sea LionBeach Landing Reinforced PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
Sea LionBritish Union of Fascists - BlackshirtBUF Group First Lieutenant
Sea LionBritish Union of Fascists - BlackshirtBUF Group Second Lieutenant
Sea LionFallschirmjäger Reinforced Platoon (Sea Lion)Air Force Forward Observer
Sea LionFallschirmjäger Reinforced Platoon (Sea Lion)Captain
Sea LionFallschirmjäger Reinforced Platoon (Sea Lion)First Lieutenant
Sea LionFallschirmjäger Reinforced Platoon (Sea Lion)Major
Sea LionFallschirmjäger Reinforced Platoon (Sea Lion)Second Lieutenant
Sea LionGangster Reinforced PlatoonGang Boss
Stalingrad22nd Panzer Division Armoured PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
Stalingrad22nd Panzer Division Armoured PlatoonCaptain
Stalingrad22nd Panzer Division Armoured PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
Stalingrad22nd Panzer Division Armoured PlatoonMajor
Stalingrad22nd Panzer Division Armoured PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
Stalingrad57th Panzer Corps Armoured PlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
Stalingrad57th Panzer Corps Armoured PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
Stalingrad57th Panzer Corps Armoured PlatoonCaptain
Stalingrad57th Panzer Corps Armoured PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
Stalingrad57th Panzer Corps Armoured PlatoonMajor
Stalingrad57th Panzer Corps Armoured PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
StalingradAlarmeinheitenFirst Lieutenant
StalingradAlarmeinheitenSecond Lieutenant
StalingradGates of StalingradAir Force Forward Observer
StalingradGates of StalingradArtillery Forward Observer
StalingradGates of StalingradCaptain
StalingradGates of StalingradFirst Lieutenant
StalingradGates of StalingradMajor
StalingradGates of StalingradSecond Lieutenant
StalingradInto HellAir Force Forward Observer
StalingradInto HellArtillery Forward Observer
StalingradInto HellCaptain
StalingradInto HellFirst Lieutenant
StalingradInto HellMajor
StalingradInto HellSecond Lieutenant
StalingradOperation ThunderclapCaptain
StalingradOperation ThunderclapFirst Lieutenant
StalingradOperation ThunderclapMajor
StalingradOperation ThunderclapSecond Lieutenant
StalingradRattenkriegAir Force Forward Observer
StalingradRattenkriegArtillery Forward Observer
StalingradRattenkriegFirst Lieutenant
StalingradRattenkriegSecond Lieutenant
StalingradStalingrad Armoured KampfgruppeAir Force Forward Observer
StalingradStalingrad Armoured KampfgruppeArtillery Forward Observer
StalingradStalingrad Armoured KampfgruppeCaptain
StalingradStalingrad Armoured KampfgruppeFirst Lieutenant
StalingradStalingrad Armoured KampfgruppeMajor
StalingradStalingrad Armoured KampfgruppeSecond Lieutenant
Tank WarsGerman Tank PlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
Tank WarsGerman Tank PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
Tank WarsGerman Tank PlatoonCaptain
Tank WarsGerman Tank PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
Tank WarsGerman Tank PlatoonMajor
Tank WarsGerman Tank PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
v2 RulebookGerman rule book units onlyAir Force Forward Observer
v2 RulebookGerman rule book units onlyArtillery Forward Observer
v2 RulebookGerman rule book units onlyCaptain
v2 RulebookGerman rule book units onlyFirst Lieutenant
v2 RulebookGerman rule book units onlyMajor
v2 RulebookGerman rule book units onlySecond Lieutenant
Version 3 Rulebook*v3 rulebook - German - Artillery PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*v3 rulebook - German - Engineer PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*v3 rulebook - German - Heavy Weapons PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*v3 rulebook - German - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Air Force)
Version 3 Rulebook*v3 rulebook - German - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Version 3 Rulebook*v3 rulebook - German - Recce Infantry PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*v3 rulebook - German - Rifle PlatoonCompany Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*v3 rulebook - German - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Air Force)
Version 3 Rulebook*v3 rulebook - German - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Version 3 Rulebook*v3 rulebook - German - Rifle PlatoonMedic
Version 3 Rulebook*v3 rulebook - German - Rifle PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - British - Artillery PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - British - Engineer PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - British - Heavy Weapons PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - British - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Air Force)
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - British - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - British - Recce Infantry PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - British - Rifle PlatoonCompany Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - British - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Air Force)
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - British - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - British - Rifle PlatoonMedic
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - British - Rifle PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Japanese - Artillery PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Japanese - Engineer PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Japanese - Heavy Weapons PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Japanese - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Air Force)
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Japanese - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Japanese - Rifle PlatoonKempeitai Political Officer
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Japanese - Rifle PlatoonMedic
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Japanese - Rifle PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Japanese -Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Air Force)
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Japanese -Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Japanese -Recce Infantry PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Soviet - Artillery PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Soviet - Engineer PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Soviet - Heavy Weapons PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Soviet - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Air Force)
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Soviet - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Soviet - Recce Infantry PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Soviet - Rifle PlatoonCommissar
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Soviet - Rifle PlatoonCompany Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Soviet - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Air Force)
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Soviet - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Soviet - Rifle PlatoonMedic
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - Soviet - Rifle PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - U.S. - Artillery PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - U.S. - Engineer PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - U.S. - Heavy Weapons PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - U.S. - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Air Force)
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - U.S. - Recce Infantry PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - U.S. - Recce Infantry PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonCompany Commander
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Air Force)
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonForward Observer (Artillery)
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonMedic
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonPlatoon Commander
Western Desert1941 DAK Anti-tank Gun PlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
Western Desert1941 DAK Anti-tank Gun PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
Western Desert1941 DAK Anti-tank Gun PlatoonCaptain
Western Desert1941 DAK Anti-tank Gun PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
Western Desert1941 DAK Anti-tank Gun PlatoonMajor
Western Desert1941 DAK Anti-tank Gun PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
Western Desert1941 DAK Armoured ReconnaissanceAir Force Forward Observer
Western Desert1941 DAK Armoured ReconnaissanceArtillery Forward Observer
Western Desert1941 DAK Armoured ReconnaissanceCaptain
Western Desert1941 DAK Armoured ReconnaissanceMajor
Western Desert1941 DAK Light DivisionAir Force Forward Observer
Western Desert1941 DAK Light DivisionArtillery Forward Observer
Western Desert1941 DAK Light DivisionCaptain
Western Desert1941 DAK Light DivisionFirst Lieutenant
Western Desert1941 DAK Light DivisionMajor
Western Desert1941 DAK Light DivisionSecond Lieutenant
Western Desert1941 DAK Panzer Division Armoured PlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
Western Desert1941 DAK Panzer Division Armoured PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
Western Desert1941 DAK Panzer Division Armoured PlatoonCaptain
Western Desert1941 DAK Panzer Division Armoured PlatoonMajor
Western Desert1942 DAK Anti-tank Gun PlatoonAir Force Forward Observer
Western Desert1942 DAK Anti-tank Gun PlatoonArtillery Forward Observer
Western Desert1942 DAK Anti-tank Gun PlatoonCaptain
Western Desert1942 DAK Anti-tank Gun PlatoonFirst Lieutenant
Western Desert1942 DAK Anti-tank Gun PlatoonMajor
Western Desert1942 DAK Anti-tank Gun PlatoonSecond Lieutenant
Western Desert1942 DAK Light Africa DivisionAir Force Forward Observer
Western Desert1942 DAK Light Africa DivisionArtillery Forward Observer
Western Desert1942 DAK Light Africa DivisionCaptain
Western Desert1942 DAK Light Africa DivisionFirst Lieutenant
Western Desert1942 DAK Light Africa DivisionMajor
Western Desert1942 DAK Light Africa DivisionSecond Lieutenant
Western Desert1942 DAK Panzer Division (Heavy)Air Force Forward Observer
Western Desert1942 DAK Panzer Division (Heavy)Artillery Forward Observer
Western Desert1942 DAK Panzer Division (Heavy)Captain
Western Desert1942 DAK Panzer Division (Heavy)Major
Western Desert1942 DAK Panzer Division (Medium)Air Force Forward Observer
Western Desert1942 DAK Panzer Division (Medium)Artillery Forward Observer
Western Desert1942 DAK Panzer Division (Medium)Captain
Western Desert1942 DAK Panzer Division (Medium)Major
Western DesertKampfgruppe HeckerFirst Lieutenant
Western DesertKampfgruppe HeckerSecond Lieutenant