Armies of GermanyGerman Reinforced PlatoonOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
Battle of FranceEarly War Anti-tank Gun PlatoonOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
Battle of FranceInfantry Regiment 9 - PotsdamOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
D-Day: British & Canadian SectorsStatic Division Reinforced PlatoonOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
D-Day: US Sector116th Panzer Division Panzer GrenadierOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
D-Day: US Sector17th SS PanzergrenadierOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
D-Day: US Sector17th SS PanzerkompanieOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
D-Day: US SectorLate-war Anti-tank GunOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
D-Day: US SectorLate-war Panzergrenadier HeavyOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
GigantDeutsche England Korps Kampfgruppe ArmouredPlatoonOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
GigantDeutsche England Korps Motorised ReconnaissanceOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
Road to BerlinExtended Last LevyOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
Road to BerlinForlorn HopeOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
Road to BerlinROA Reinforced PlatoonOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
Stalingrad22nd Panzer Division Armoured PlatoonOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
Stalingrad57th Panzer Corps Armoured PlatoonOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
StalingradGates of StalingradOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
StalingradInto HellOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
StalingradOperation ThunderclapOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
StalingradRattenkriegOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
StalingradStalingrad Armoured KampfgruppeOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
Tank WarsGerman Tank PlatoonOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
Version 3 (preliminary)** VERSION 3 ** - German - Armoured PlatoonOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
Western Desert1941 DAK Anti-tank Gun PlatoonOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
Western Desert1941 DAK Light DivisionOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
Western Desert1941 DAK Panzer Division Armoured PlatoonOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
Western Desert1942 DAK Anti-tank Gun PlatoonOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
Western Desert1942 DAK Light Africa DivisionOpel Blitz with FlaK 38
Western Desert1942 DAK Panzer Division (Heavy)Opel Blitz with FlaK 38
Western Desert1942 DAK Panzer Division (Medium)Opel Blitz with FlaK 38