Armies of the United States1943 - Operation AvalancheMack heavy truck
Armies of the United States1943 - Operation HuskyMack heavy truck
Armies of the United States1944 - Anzio, The Road To RomeMack heavy truck
Armies of the United States1944 - Battle of the BulgeMack heavy truck
Armies of the United States1944 - CassinoMack heavy truck
Armies of the United States1944 - NormandyMack heavy truck
Armies of the United States1944 - Operation CobraMack heavy truck
Armies of the United States1945 - RhinelandMack heavy truck
Armies of the United StatesU.S. Reinforced PlatoonMack heavy truck
Battle of the BulgeAnti-tank Reinforced PlatoonMack heavy truck
D-Day: OverlordUS D-Day (Afternoon)Mack heavy truck
D-Day: US SectorLate-war US Army Anti-tankMack heavy truck
D-Day: US SectorUS Army Light Artillery Battalion Firing BatteryMack heavy truck
Italy: Soft Underbelly1st Infantry Division (Sicily)Mack heavy truck
Italy: Soft Underbelly2nd ArmouredMack heavy truck
Italy: Soft Underbelly82nd Airborne Division (Sicily)Mack heavy truck
Italy: Soft UnderbellyArmoured Infantry Platoon (Sicily and Italy)Mack heavy truck
Italy: Soft UnderbellyVI CorpsMack heavy truck
Italy: Soft UnderbellyX Force, Darby's Rangers (Sicily)Mack heavy truck
Italy: Tough GutCassino Tank/Tank Destroyer Tank PlatoonMack heavy truck
Italy: Tough GutFSSF (Anizo Stalemate and Breakout)Mack heavy truck
Italy: Tough GutII Corps (From Gustav Line to Rome)Mack heavy truck
Italy: Tough GutTask Force HarmonMack heavy truck
Italy: Tough GutUS II Corps (Cassino Jan-Feb 1944)Mack heavy truck
Italy: Tough GutVI Corps (Anzio Breakout)Mack heavy truck
Italy: Tough GutVI Corps (Anzio, Jan-Feb 1944)Mack heavy truck
Konflikt '47 rule bookUS K47 + BA Reinforced PlatoonMack heavy truck
Tank WarsU.S. Tank PlatoonMack heavy truck
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - U.S. - Artillery PlatoonTrucks
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - U.S. - Engineer PlatoonTrucks
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - U.S. - Heavy Weapons PlatoonTrucks
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - U.S. - Recce Infantry PlatoonTrucks
Version 3 Rulebook*Version 3 - U.S. - Rifle PlatoonTrucks